"Amazing!! So relaxing, energetic and such a safe and welcoming place to be."
Dance Movement Therapy
Group sessions on Wednesdays: 6.00 - 7.00pm £10
One on one sessions by appointment. Led by Susana Garcia Booking is essential: [email protected] |
Dance Movement Therapy is
Susana is a Dance Movement Therapist, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Body Psychothearpist and Group Facilitator. She is a member of the Association of Dance Movement Therapy in the UK. She is author of several published works on the subjects of self-care, wellbeing and Dance Movement Therapy.
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- the practice of conscious and free dance which helps people to be healthier, less stressed and more aware of themselves.
- a practice which helps to reduce stress and anxiety, facilitate rest, increase the sense of well-being, promote concentration, relaxation and calm.
- a soft, powerful and fun activity that helps to be healthier through several exercises such as spontaneous and creative movements, free dance, breathing or stretching.
Susana is a Dance Movement Therapist, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Body Psychothearpist and Group Facilitator. She is a member of the Association of Dance Movement Therapy in the UK. She is author of several published works on the subjects of self-care, wellbeing and Dance Movement Therapy.
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