"I feel so relaxed. Bridget is so good at working all the 'aches and pains' areas. I come out with a feeling of peace and wellbeing. The space helps, it is very spiritual."
Massage and Alexander Technique

Our massage therapist Bridget provides therapeutic massage for minor discomfort or chronic conditions
Tuesday - 9.45am - 4.30pm
Wednesday - 11.30 am-4.30
Thursday - 11.30 am-4.30
One hour* sessions cost £35
Bridget can also offer sessions of reflexology, the Alexander Technique and some basic nutritional information.
To book please call 0141 632 7520 or email [email protected]
*Please note that the appointment time includes a consultation with the therapist,
the time it takes to get ready for the treatment and time to get dressed again, if necessary.
"The Alexander Technique has been a wonderful help to me in mind, body and spirit. I'm much more aware of my body physically, especially my joints and posture and this has helped my back greatly. My back pain has almost disapeared. It has also made me more mentally alert and this in turn has improved my spirits.
Alexander Technique is great for mind body and spirit."
Our Massage table
We received a donation from Angela Lombardi in memory of her mother Mary Lombardi who died in 2014. Angela appreciated the help and support at Finn's Place after her mother's passing. She requested that the donation go towards a new massage table which would mean that massage would be made available to everyone regardless of their reduced mobility or other impairments. Thanks to Angela's generous donation we are now able to offer massage to people with disabilities or mobility difficulties as the table is fully adjustable. We offer massage at a very reduced concessions rate. This facility is used by people who would not normally be able to have a massage to help them deal with ongoing physical challenges or a difficult time in their lives. If you would like to contribute to help cover this cost you can do so by donating here. |