International Day of Happiness
In July 2012 the UN General Assembly proclaimed 20th March to be the International Day of Happiness recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world.
On the first Day of Happiness in 2013 the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared:
"let us reinforce our commitment to inclusive and sustainable human development and renew our pledge to help others. When we contribute to the common good, we ourselves are enriched. Compassion promotes happiness and will help build the future we want."
On the first Day of Happiness in 2013 the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared:
"let us reinforce our commitment to inclusive and sustainable human development and renew our pledge to help others. When we contribute to the common good, we ourselves are enriched. Compassion promotes happiness and will help build the future we want."
In 2014 we had a screening of HAPPY - a film about happiness. After the film we were entertained by John Purves a local Glasgow comedian who made sure we left with a smile on our faces.
Roko Belic, director of the Academy Award® nominated “Genghis Blues” produced HAPPY, a film that sets out to answer these questions and more. Taking us from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia, from the beaches of Brazil to the villages of Okinawa, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. The HAPPY movie can be borrowed from Finn's Place. In 2015 we watched Hector and the Search for Happiness starring Simon Pegg and Rosamund Pike and then we had some music and entertainment from Brass, Aye? a community based New Orleans style street band. Watch this space for next year's event - 19th March 2016