We are so excited to be launching our brand new Death Cafe during To Absent Friends Week!
This is an open and informal space to talk about all things death and dying, whilst eating some delicious treats! So whether you are recently bereaved, are still grieving those who have died a long time ago (this is perfectly natural by the way!), or just have a general interest in the subject, then please come along to meet others just like you! Everyone is welcome, but please note that this is a discussion group rather than counselling. P. S. Home baking is always welcome but we will also have refreshments available. |
Battlefield Community Project invites you to a crafty afternoon filled with opportunities to make tokens of remembrance for anyone who is no longer with us. We will be making rosemary wreaths, painting stones, creating decorations for our memorial tree and planting bulbs ready to burst with colour and life in the coming months.
We hope that this is an opportunity for our community to meet each other and share stories whilst creating beautiful tributes to those we miss. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or ability (we will have some volunteers around on the day to help you out!) We also encourage you to stick around for the community viewing of Coco hosted by Finns Place after our crafty afternoon. |
Finns Place is delighted to invite you a community showing of Coco, the 2017 Disney film, which explores the exciting traditions of the Día de Muertos (the Mexican Day of the Dead) and the power of memories.
We hope this event brings members of our community together to sing songs (encouraged but not mandatory!), eat popcorn, and share stories of their own ancestors and those who have died. These topics aren't always the easiest to discuss, but we hope that a little bit of Disney magic can help inspire us all to be brave and start the conversation. We also think that it's important for people of all ages to have the chance to talk about those who have died and hope that this can be a gentle way to approach the subject with the whole family, especially children and young people. |